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What is Homeopathy ?


Homeopathy is a medical science introduced by Dr Samuel Hahnemann in 1796. It is the most practiced Alternative System of Medicine in the world today, as per the World Health Organization (WHO). Homeopathy works effectively especially for Chronic and Recurring diseases. Homeopathy is also effective in acute diseases. Homeopathy is strongly recommended for chronic and reducing diseases such as auto-immune diseases, skin diseases, allergies, various forms of arthritis, asthma, metabolic diseases, psychosomatic diseases, psychiatric disorders, hormonal diseases, cancers, and many more.
Homeopathy treating diseases at the root level, by addressing the multiple causative factors such as genetic, immunological, metabolic, hormonal, emotional and the like. As a result, the diseases are treated in totality rather than in parts or as entities separate from the 'whole' of the individual patient.

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